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You may use the parts that are present.
My Links
ISO TC/211 -- International Organization for Standardization Techical Committee 211 on
Geoinformation and Geomatics
MITRE Corporation -- My employer
OpenGIS Consortium (OGC) -- international industry consortium that develops publicly
available geoprocessing specifications
Object Management Group (OMG) -- international industry consortium that produces and
maintains computer specifications for interoperable enterprise applications
C4I Domain Task Force (DTF) -- focused interoperability for crisis response, Search
and Rescue (SAR), and military operations
Geospatial and Imagery Value Added Services (GIVAS) Domain Task Force (DTF) --
focused on interoperability for services that are cross-domain and for which
geospatial information is required
Simulation Interoperability Standards Organization (SISO) -- Dedicated to facilitating
interoperability in the Modeling and Simulation (M&S) domain
Web 3D Consortium -- provides a forum for the creation of open standards for Web3D
Web Enabled Modeling and Simulation Network (WebSim) -- Joint activity of the OGC,
OMG, SISO, and Web3D Consortium to better coordinate activities in the
M&S domain
Zach and Margaret Sutton's Web Site -- Zach is my nephew and Margaret is his lovely and delightful
wife. They are both doctoral candidates at the Medical College of Virginia in Richmond,
she in pharmacology and he in physical therapy. The site is meant mostly for family and
their friends.
Last updated on: July 8, 2003
Comments, suggestions, or questions with respect to this site.